Did you know that. . .

Learning to paint with watercolor doesn't have to be hard or frustrating!

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"This watercolor course is done so well - for beginners, intermediate, or someone with experience who wants to learn more. I am in the intermediate phase and learned so much about color and addition techniques. Thank you for offering this class."
Cherry Hall
"This was the best laid out program I have seen. Krista’s instruction was simple and to the point there was no fluff or useless chatter, making it easy to follow along while painting.
The videos focused in on the painting. I could see everything she was doing. Krista was even available through email for help. I highly recommend it."
Gayle Capson
Hey there, I'm Krista!

When I first bought my first set of watercolors, I had no idea what I was doing, how long it would take me to conquer my frustration at attempting to paint with watercolors, or what an impact learning how to watercolor would have on my life.

I researched and practiced anything I could find on painting with watercolors, but it was difficult. I finally sat down and figured out what worked (and what didn’t) in my paintings. Focusing and practicing these techniques is when everything changed for me.

This is when I went from struggle and frustration to feeling accomplished and full of a joy I didn’t know was possible.

Now, I am a professional artist that’s been featured in art magazines and commissioned by brands to feature my art!

I believe that art can truly change your life, it did mine. I am passionate about helping others find the same joy, peace, and happiness that mastering watercolors brought to me. 

"Krista is a wonderful teacher and takes a genuine interest in her students and their work"

In her Master Watercolor Essentials course, she provides templates if you can't draw, but also encourages her students to draw on their own. I like the way she has planned the videos and they are encouraging. She explains how to mix colors and the paint to water ratios that new artists find so difficult to master. She teaches more in depth about color theory, glazing and shadowing."
Mary Worth

"It went over everything step-by-step exactly
what I needed and how to do it " 

"I have wanted to try watercolour but felt I wasn’t talented enough. This course was just what I needed.  Loved it and highly recommend it to everyone! Thank you for starting me on a new creative journey!"
Michelle H.

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